What we do?
Our Mission
Our mission as a charity is to empower and mobilize our community in the UK to transform their lives and preserve their cultural heritage. We achieve this by providing community-centred programs and services that meet their socio-economic, intellectual, and cultural needs. We strive to enhance their civic participation and uphold their integrity as a community while contributing to the broader society in the UK.

Why we exist?
Our Vision
Our charity’s vision is to preserve and celebrate our community’s cultural heritage while creating a welcoming and supportive home in the UK. We strive to promote intercultural relationships and understanding, building bridges between communities to create a brighter and more compassionate world.
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መርሓባ ይነከው
መርሓባ ይነከው፡ ኣርሓብዳንደ ኣተያ እንታ ግናይዲ በሀርዲ፡ እኺርኺር ሰላምያ ጭምብዋ ደኩኹ ገድም፡ ኣርሱኹሉ ትላ እኺርኺር ሻኽንኹን፡ ነራ ኣካን ሻኽላ ኣኖካይ ከብቲኹ፡ ቅብል ቅብላ መኸላ እኺሪር ቋልንኹን ንኪ፡ ኣመትልድ ኣመ ማሸላ ጃርድ ሙሳ ኣኽኒ፡ ጃርሲ ሻኻኹ ላሪ ባላ ለጛ ኣማርልድ ይኸ፡ ነⶔ ትክሰ ኪደለማ ልሽክክ ይነውኽር በጃኹኽ፡ ልሶ ቋልደንማ እቁቱ እርግናኽር እንቁኚ፡ ነጚ በጃኽንማ ብሊና ሻማ ዩከይ ቅረናትል፡ ህንቡ… Continue reading መርሓባ ይነከው
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ዋዲክ እንታ ሰላምድ፡ ሰላም የኩም ተለይዶ
ብሊና ሻማ፡ Uk እንቱኹ ዳካዲ መጋርሕዲት፡ እንክቡኹ ጣቁርዲ፡ ሰኲነዲ፡ ደማትዲት ዓገሉኹ ገብሩቁርድ እሮራ፡ በጥሕ ክላሉኹ ዳስ ይናኹ ብሊንሲ፡ እክቦ እንብላዉኹ ኣጃ ሰኝደነኩማ፡ ከው ይጋቡ እንታ ሰፈላልድ፡ ሓገይኹን ይቱ ጋቡ ሽካ ወረባ ካሮ እንትኹን፡ ጂኝስትየኩም ይባቡ ሓጋይኻ ኳራ፡ ሽቓ ስዋ ጀበቡ ሳውደረስ ሳውዶ፡ ስልኽስኻ ደበቡ ሓደር ይኹን ሸፊልዲ፡ ብሊና ሻመት ተክለቡ 2(ኣጃ ክድንኹማ፡ )ከውሲ ላት ክሰው… Continue reading ዋዲክ እንታ ሰላምድ፡ ሰላም የኩም ተለይዶ
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Ona and Beskdira: Even the stones tell the tragic story
eskdira and Ona are two small villages that were burnt to ashes, one after the other, over the course of just two days. Both are close to Eritrea’s second largest …
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ማዕርነት ኣብ ብዙሕነት (Equality in Diversity)
መእተዊ ቀንዲ መምዘኒ ምዕባለ ናይ ሓደ ሕብረተሰብ፤ ኣብ ማዕርነትን ብዙሕነትን ናይ ሕዝብታት ብዘለዎም ርድኢትን ምሕድራኡን ዝተመርኰሰ ኡዩ። ኣብ ሓደ ሕብረተሰብ ኩሉሰብ ብዘይ ናይ ዓሌትን ሃይማኖትን ጾታን ኣካላዊ…
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‘We are still burning’ – survivors of Beskdira and Ona massacre
Fifty years ago, Beskdira and Ona witnessed two of the worst massacres in Eritrea’s colonial history when unarmed civilians were brutally massacred by Ethiopian colonial troops. While Beskdira is a …
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Blina Shama UK: Creating a Sanctuary after Home Loss
The name Blin refers to the language and ethnicity of a minority group in Eritrea, and shama, a Blin term, literally translates to ‘shelter’. Blina Shama UK, therefore, was formed …
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